action.client module

Source code
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List, Type, Union
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
from uuid import uuid4

from action.db import ActionBackend
from action.emitter import ActionEmitter
from action.event import Event

from gevent import spawn_later, Greenlet

class Action(ActionEmitter):
    The client to manage events and storing them.

    This class is the only thing you'll need to use to fully utilize the action library. It's important to note that
    this inherits from `action.emitter.ActionEmitter`, because many of the methods you'll be using come from that
    class. Also, in future major versions, the client will be separated from the db, and the database will act as a
    server. This way people can use trio, threading, asyncio whatever, and not be forced to use gevent.

    db: action.db.ActionBackend
        This is what the client will use to store the events in
    active_schedules : weakref.WeakValueDictionary
        This is a dictionary with event ids to the corresponding greenlets, created by _schedule

    """See action.Action.setup for information"""
    """See action.Action._schedule for information"""

    def __init__(self, action_db: str = 'action.db',
                 backend: Type[ActionBackend] = ActionBackend,
                 timeout: Union[int, float] = 0.5):
        self.db = backend(action_db, timeout=timeout)
        self.active_schedules = WeakValueDictionary()  # type: WeakValueDictionary['str', Greenlet]
        self._ran_setup = False

    def generate_event(name: str, sched: datetime, *args, event_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> Event:
        A shortcut for generating event objects

        There's not much need to use this yourself unless you want to create your own event ids. Also quick pitfall,
        you can't create an event with a kwarg called event_id, this effects trigger_at and trigger_in too.

        name : str
            The name of the listener that'll be triggered
        sched : datetime.datetime
            The time that the event will trigger
        *args : Any
            Args that will passed into all triggered functions
        event_id : str
            If not supplied, a uuid4 hex will be used instead
        **kwargs : str, Any
            Kwargs that will passed into all the triggered functions

        event : action.event.Event
            The newly created event
        event = Event(  # type: ignore
            event_id if event_id is not None else uuid4().hex,
        return event  # I'd rather not ignore it, but I've fairly certain it's an issue with mypy

    def schedule(self, event: Event) -> Greenlet:
        This method will schedule the event based on it's information

        There's not much need to call this method directly, hence why it's protected. You'll only need this if you're
        making your own event objects, which may be the case. This method spawns a greenlet that'll wait till the
        specified time to trigger listeners. It will also save the event in the database if it isn't in it already.

        .. warning:: This greenlet is already linked
                     If you need to link a call back, make sure to also call the command that's been linked, thanks!

        event : action.event.Event
            The event that will be scheduled

        greenlet : gevent.Greenlet
            The greenlet that has the scheduled event

            If you're scheduling an event that has already been scheduled, it will raise this error. You can disable
            this by setting the class variable ``WARN_EXTRA_SCHEDULED`` to ``False``
        if event.active_greenlet is not None and self.WARN_ALREADY_SCHEDULED:
            raise ResourceWarning("Scheduling an event that already has already been spawned.")

        if not self.db.has_event(
        seconds_until = (event.sched -
        greenlet = spawn_later(seconds_until, self.emit,, *event.args, **event.kwargs)
        event.active_greenlet = greenlet _: self.db.remove_event(
        self.active_schedules[] = greenlet
        return greenlet

    def setup(self) -> List[Event]:
        This will read an spawn all events in the database

        It's absolutely necessary that you call this command, as it readies events that have been stored. The reason it
        isn't called in ``__init__`` was because you need to add listeners first. It will then return a list of all the
        events it spawned.

        events : List[action.event.Event]
            A list of events that were spawned from the database

            If you run this command more then once, it will raise this warning. You can disable it by setting the class
            variable ``WARN_EXTRA_SETUPS`` to ``False``.
        if self._ran_setup and self.WARN_EXTRA_SETUPS:
            raise RuntimeWarning("Setup was already called, doing it again will create duplicate events.")
        events = []

        for event in self.db.iter_events():
        self._ran_setup = True
        return events

    def trigger_at(self, date: Union[datetime, float], name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Event:
        Trigger an event at a certain time

        This method is used to spawn an event at a specific point in time, if the time is in the past, it will trigger

        date : datime.datetime or float
            The time the event will trigger. If it's a float, it must be a timestamp
        name : str
            The name of the event that will be triggered
        *args : Any
            Args that will be passed into the listeners
        **kwargs : str -> Any
            Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners

        event : action.event.Event
            The event that has been spawned
        date = date if isinstance(date, datetime) else datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date)
        event = self.generate_event(name, date, *args, **kwargs)
        return event

    def trigger_in(self, seconds: Union[timedelta, int], name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Event:
        Trigger an event relative to the current time

        This method will trigger an event in a certain amount of time. If the time is negative it will instantly spawn.

        seconds : datetime.timedelta or int
            Time after now, if it's an int it will be in seconds
        name : str
            The name of the event that will be triggered
        *args: Any
            Args that will be passed into the listeners
        **kwargs : str -> Any
            Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners

        date_delta = seconds if isinstance(seconds, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=seconds)
        date = + date_delta
        event = self.generate_event(name, date, *args, **kwargs)
        return event


class Action (ancestors: ActionEmitter)

The client to manage events and storing them.

This class is the only thing you'll need to use to fully utilize the action library. It's important to note that this inherits from ActionEmitter, because many of the methods you'll be using come from that class. Also, in future major versions, the client will be separated from the db, and the database will act as a server. This way people can use trio, threading, asyncio whatever, and not be forced to use gevent.


db : ActionBackend
This is what the client will use to store the events in
active_schedules : weakref.WeakValueDictionary
This is a dictionary with event ids to the corresponding greenlets, created by _schedule
Source code
class Action(ActionEmitter):
    The client to manage events and storing them.

    This class is the only thing you'll need to use to fully utilize the action library. It's important to note that
    this inherits from `action.emitter.ActionEmitter`, because many of the methods you'll be using come from that
    class. Also, in future major versions, the client will be separated from the db, and the database will act as a
    server. This way people can use trio, threading, asyncio whatever, and not be forced to use gevent.

    db: action.db.ActionBackend
        This is what the client will use to store the events in
    active_schedules : weakref.WeakValueDictionary
        This is a dictionary with event ids to the corresponding greenlets, created by _schedule

    """See action.Action.setup for information"""
    """See action.Action._schedule for information"""

    def __init__(self, action_db: str = 'action.db',
                 backend: Type[ActionBackend] = ActionBackend,
                 timeout: Union[int, float] = 0.5):
        self.db = backend(action_db, timeout=timeout)
        self.active_schedules = WeakValueDictionary()  # type: WeakValueDictionary['str', Greenlet]
        self._ran_setup = False

    def generate_event(name: str, sched: datetime, *args, event_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> Event:
        A shortcut for generating event objects

        There's not much need to use this yourself unless you want to create your own event ids. Also quick pitfall,
        you can't create an event with a kwarg called event_id, this effects trigger_at and trigger_in too.

        name : str
            The name of the listener that'll be triggered
        sched : datetime.datetime
            The time that the event will trigger
        *args : Any
            Args that will passed into all triggered functions
        event_id : str
            If not supplied, a uuid4 hex will be used instead
        **kwargs : str, Any
            Kwargs that will passed into all the triggered functions

        event : action.event.Event
            The newly created event
        event = Event(  # type: ignore
            event_id if event_id is not None else uuid4().hex,
        return event  # I'd rather not ignore it, but I've fairly certain it's an issue with mypy

    def schedule(self, event: Event) -> Greenlet:
        This method will schedule the event based on it's information

        There's not much need to call this method directly, hence why it's protected. You'll only need this if you're
        making your own event objects, which may be the case. This method spawns a greenlet that'll wait till the
        specified time to trigger listeners. It will also save the event in the database if it isn't in it already.

        .. warning:: This greenlet is already linked
                     If you need to link a call back, make sure to also call the command that's been linked, thanks!

        event : action.event.Event
            The event that will be scheduled

        greenlet : gevent.Greenlet
            The greenlet that has the scheduled event

            If you're scheduling an event that has already been scheduled, it will raise this error. You can disable
            this by setting the class variable ``WARN_EXTRA_SCHEDULED`` to ``False``
        if event.active_greenlet is not None and self.WARN_ALREADY_SCHEDULED:
            raise ResourceWarning("Scheduling an event that already has already been spawned.")

        if not self.db.has_event(
        seconds_until = (event.sched -
        greenlet = spawn_later(seconds_until, self.emit,, *event.args, **event.kwargs)
        event.active_greenlet = greenlet _: self.db.remove_event(
        self.active_schedules[] = greenlet
        return greenlet

    def setup(self) -> List[Event]:
        This will read an spawn all events in the database

        It's absolutely necessary that you call this command, as it readies events that have been stored. The reason it
        isn't called in ``__init__`` was because you need to add listeners first. It will then return a list of all the
        events it spawned.

        events : List[action.event.Event]
            A list of events that were spawned from the database

            If you run this command more then once, it will raise this warning. You can disable it by setting the class
            variable ``WARN_EXTRA_SETUPS`` to ``False``.
        if self._ran_setup and self.WARN_EXTRA_SETUPS:
            raise RuntimeWarning("Setup was already called, doing it again will create duplicate events.")
        events = []

        for event in self.db.iter_events():
        self._ran_setup = True
        return events

    def trigger_at(self, date: Union[datetime, float], name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Event:
        Trigger an event at a certain time

        This method is used to spawn an event at a specific point in time, if the time is in the past, it will trigger

        date : datime.datetime or float
            The time the event will trigger. If it's a float, it must be a timestamp
        name : str
            The name of the event that will be triggered
        *args : Any
            Args that will be passed into the listeners
        **kwargs : str -> Any
            Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners

        event : action.event.Event
            The event that has been spawned
        date = date if isinstance(date, datetime) else datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date)
        event = self.generate_event(name, date, *args, **kwargs)
        return event

    def trigger_in(self, seconds: Union[timedelta, int], name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Event:
        Trigger an event relative to the current time

        This method will trigger an event in a certain amount of time. If the time is negative it will instantly spawn.

        seconds : datetime.timedelta or int
            Time after now, if it's an int it will be in seconds
        name : str
            The name of the event that will be triggered
        *args: Any
            Args that will be passed into the listeners
        **kwargs : str -> Any
            Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners

        date_delta = seconds if isinstance(seconds, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=seconds)
        date = + date_delta
        event = self.generate_event(name, date, *args, **kwargs)
        return event

Class variables


See action.Action._schedule for information


See action.Action.setup for information

Static methods

def generate_event(name, sched, *args, event_id=None, **kwargs)

A shortcut for generating event objects

There's not much need to use this yourself unless you want to create your own event ids. Also quick pitfall, you can't create an event with a kwarg called event_id, this effects trigger_at and trigger_in too.


name : str
The name of the listener that'll be triggered
sched : datetime.datetime
The time that the event will trigger
*args : Any
Args that will passed into all triggered functions
event_id : str
If not supplied, a uuid4 hex will be used instead
**kwargs : str, Any
Kwargs that will passed into all the triggered functions


event : Event
The newly created event
Source code
def generate_event(name: str, sched: datetime, *args, event_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> Event:
    A shortcut for generating event objects

    There's not much need to use this yourself unless you want to create your own event ids. Also quick pitfall,
    you can't create an event with a kwarg called event_id, this effects trigger_at and trigger_in too.

    name : str
        The name of the listener that'll be triggered
    sched : datetime.datetime
        The time that the event will trigger
    *args : Any
        Args that will passed into all triggered functions
    event_id : str
        If not supplied, a uuid4 hex will be used instead
    **kwargs : str, Any
        Kwargs that will passed into all the triggered functions

    event : action.event.Event
        The newly created event
    event = Event(  # type: ignore
        event_id if event_id is not None else uuid4().hex,
    return event  # I'd rather not ignore it, but I've fairly certain it's an issue with mypy


def schedule(self, event)

This method will schedule the event based on it's information

There's not much need to call this method directly, hence why it's protected. You'll only need this if you're making your own event objects, which may be the case. This method spawns a greenlet that'll wait till the specified time to trigger listeners. It will also save the event in the database if it isn't in it already.

Warning: This greenlet is already linked

If you need to link a call back, make sure to also call the command that's been linked, thanks!


event : Event
The event that will be scheduled


greenlet : gevent.Greenlet
The greenlet that has the scheduled event


If you're scheduling an event that has already been scheduled, it will raise this error. You can disable this by setting the class variable WARN_EXTRA_SCHEDULED to False
Source code
def schedule(self, event: Event) -> Greenlet:
    This method will schedule the event based on it's information

    There's not much need to call this method directly, hence why it's protected. You'll only need this if you're
    making your own event objects, which may be the case. This method spawns a greenlet that'll wait till the
    specified time to trigger listeners. It will also save the event in the database if it isn't in it already.

    .. warning:: This greenlet is already linked
                 If you need to link a call back, make sure to also call the command that's been linked, thanks!

    event : action.event.Event
        The event that will be scheduled

    greenlet : gevent.Greenlet
        The greenlet that has the scheduled event

        If you're scheduling an event that has already been scheduled, it will raise this error. You can disable
        this by setting the class variable ``WARN_EXTRA_SCHEDULED`` to ``False``
    if event.active_greenlet is not None and self.WARN_ALREADY_SCHEDULED:
        raise ResourceWarning("Scheduling an event that already has already been spawned.")

    if not self.db.has_event(
    seconds_until = (event.sched -
    greenlet = spawn_later(seconds_until, self.emit,, *event.args, **event.kwargs)
    event.active_greenlet = greenlet _: self.db.remove_event(
    self.active_schedules[] = greenlet
    return greenlet
def setup(self)

This will read an spawn all events in the database

It's absolutely necessary that you call this command, as it readies events that have been stored. The reason it isn't called in __init__ was because you need to add listeners first. It will then return a list of all the events it spawned.


events : List[action.event.Event]
A list of events that were spawned from the database


If you run this command more then once, it will raise this warning. You can disable it by setting the class variable WARN_EXTRA_SETUPS to False.
Source code
def setup(self) -> List[Event]:
    This will read an spawn all events in the database

    It's absolutely necessary that you call this command, as it readies events that have been stored. The reason it
    isn't called in ``__init__`` was because you need to add listeners first. It will then return a list of all the
    events it spawned.

    events : List[action.event.Event]
        A list of events that were spawned from the database

        If you run this command more then once, it will raise this warning. You can disable it by setting the class
        variable ``WARN_EXTRA_SETUPS`` to ``False``.
    if self._ran_setup and self.WARN_EXTRA_SETUPS:
        raise RuntimeWarning("Setup was already called, doing it again will create duplicate events.")
    events = []

    for event in self.db.iter_events():
    self._ran_setup = True
    return events
def trigger_at(self, date, name, *args, **kwargs)

Trigger an event at a certain time

This method is used to spawn an event at a specific point in time, if the time is in the past, it will trigger immediately.


date : datime.datetime or float
The time the event will trigger. If it's a float, it must be a timestamp
name : str
The name of the event that will be triggered
*args : Any
Args that will be passed into the listeners
**kwargs : str -> Any
Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners


event : Event
The event that has been spawned
Source code
def trigger_at(self, date: Union[datetime, float], name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Event:
    Trigger an event at a certain time

    This method is used to spawn an event at a specific point in time, if the time is in the past, it will trigger

    date : datime.datetime or float
        The time the event will trigger. If it's a float, it must be a timestamp
    name : str
        The name of the event that will be triggered
    *args : Any
        Args that will be passed into the listeners
    **kwargs : str -> Any
        Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners

    event : action.event.Event
        The event that has been spawned
    date = date if isinstance(date, datetime) else datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date)
    event = self.generate_event(name, date, *args, **kwargs)
    return event
def trigger_in(self, seconds, name, *args, **kwargs)

Trigger an event relative to the current time

This method will trigger an event in a certain amount of time. If the time is negative it will instantly spawn.


seconds : datetime.timedelta or int
Time after now, if it's an int it will be in seconds
name : str
The name of the event that will be triggered
*args : Any
Args that will be passed into the listeners
**kwargs : str -> Any
Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners
Source code
def trigger_in(self, seconds: Union[timedelta, int], name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Event:
    Trigger an event relative to the current time

    This method will trigger an event in a certain amount of time. If the time is negative it will instantly spawn.

    seconds : datetime.timedelta or int
        Time after now, if it's an int it will be in seconds
    name : str
        The name of the event that will be triggered
    *args: Any
        Args that will be passed into the listeners
    **kwargs : str -> Any
        Kwargs that will be passed into the listeners

    date_delta = seconds if isinstance(seconds, timedelta) else timedelta(seconds=seconds)
    date = + date_delta
    event = self.generate_event(name, date, *args, **kwargs)
    return event

Inherited members